[racket] Mouse events

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 21 00:27:34 EST 2010

1. Do you know 2htdp/image and 2htdp/universe? That should make the small project straightforward. 

2. Take a look at 2htdp/batch-io and see whether it is good enough or whether you need modifications that help with this. 

-- Matthias

On Dec 20, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Ken Hegeland wrote:

> I wasn't quite sure what to name this, it is a two part question.
> I am nearly done with HTDP, and I am starting a small project of my own to make a simple turn based rpg. Its mostly structure mutation. My goal is to use draw mazes on the canvas and then have a character item(most likely a solid disk) and allow it to be move with the move function used so many times in the book.
> I want to allow this move function to be applied with the keyboard arrows which I believe I know how to do, but I am unsure how to get the program to continually move if I hold down the key.
> My other question is, in most rpg type games you need to ability to save your current progress, how can I do this so when I restart and run the program I can continue where I left off?
> Also, thanks for all the help with the book, I have about 30 pages left a few more hard challenges, which I may be asking for help for soon, left. Its a great book, thanks for writing it.
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