[racket] Basic Racket Question
I am sure I am trying to over define this but not sure how to use other
methods in Racket yet only beginning. So Hi everyone.
Doing the netpay of employee tax = 0.15 and pay = hrs *12. From the beginner
tutorial. I see two ways a simple and a hard way but neither work.
Hard way
(define (hours h)
(h : number?))
(define (tax t)
(= t 0.15))
(define (payrate p)
(= p $12.00))
(define (netpay hours tax payrate)
(* h p)-(* t(* h p)))
Easy Way
(define (netpay hours : number? tax : 0.85)
(* hours 12)* tax)
What is the best way?
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