[racket] 18 scribble-created files

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 23 09:14:49 EST 2014

No, there's not already a way in place.

Is it a question of file count or file sizes?

There are many goals and constraints that go into that layout, so
removing any individual file is difficult.

I think the size could be reduced a lot, though. For example, the
"manual-fonts.css" file doesn't really need to be a copy of
"manual-fonts.css"; probably it could just contain an `@import` to pull
in the installation's copy --- and the same for the other ".css" files.

At Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:03:51 -0500, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Is there already a way to greatly reduce the number of files that 
> Scribble creates for a small one-page manual (like is used for the 
> documentation of a package)?
> In Racket 6.1, Scribble creates 18 files, in 2 directories.  Before this 
> change, Scribble created only 5 files, in 1 directory, for the same 
> input.  1-3 files would be preferable.
> Example generated directory tree with the 18 files:
>      racket/scgi/doc/
>      |-- doc/
>      |   |-- blueboxes.rktd
>      |   |-- index.html
>      |   |-- in.sxref
>      |   |-- out0.sxref
>      |   |-- out1.sxref
>      |   |-- out.sxref
>      |   |-- stamp.sxref
>      |   `-- synced.rktd
>      |-- doc-site.css
>      |-- doc-site.js
>      |-- manual-fonts.css
>      |-- manual-racket.css
>      |-- manual-racket.js
>      |-- manual-style.css
>      |-- racket.css
>      |-- scribble-common.js
>      |-- scribble.css
>      `-- scribble-style.css
> (Yes, I can see that some of the `.css` and `.js` files could be shared 
> among multiple packages', if the multiple packages' documentation were 
> all in the same storage, and they were all generated by the same Racket 
> version.  That's not the case on my Web server, nor the case in 
> individual package distributions.)
> Neil V.
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