[racket] Is Scribble supposed to overwrite old image files during rendering?

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Fri Jul 6 17:58:25 EDT 2012

At Fri, 6 Jul 2012 17:28:20 -0400, Danny Yoo wrote:
> We're using Scribble with the "--dest" output flag; when we apply
> scribble individually on files that have images into the same
> destination directory, the autogenerated image names can collide.  For
> example, the names 'pict.png' and 'pict_2.png' can easily collide.
> Does anyone have suggested workarounds?

Is supplying all of the files to `scribble' at once an workable option?

> It might be nice to put a
> prefix on the names of the files so that there's no collision nor
> inadvertent image overwrite.

In fact, there's such a prefix internally, but it's not currently
documented or exposed in the `scribble' command line. I can fix both of

You'd end up with multiple copies of files like "scribble.css", though.
I'm not sure that's ok --- or how to avoid it, if not.

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