[racket] Liitin screencast tutorial

From: Jukka Tuominen (jukka.tuominen at finndesign.fi)
Date: Sun Mar 6 04:50:53 EST 2011

I'm seeing a pattern in Liitin's approach/role in many of the discussed
topics. Rather than attempting to offer perfect solutions to things and wait
until then, it resides on a lower level enabling people to suggest various
solutions and offers the tools today(~).

There are some system primitives (~API) that you could use behind scenes
when creating more user friendly GUIs for users. E.g. the "Object
Properties" dialog in the tutorial is an example of that kind app.

(liitin:object-properties 'liitin:object-properties) should give you the
source of the dialog, BTW.

To start with, I was thinking really down to earth import utils for end
users and mass-import scripts or GUIs for larger databases and ontologies
and such. And gradually more intelligent software could be created for
import and native use.

br, jukka

> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-bounces at racket-lang.org
> [mailto:users-bounces at racket-lang.org]On Behalf Of Matthias Felleisen
> Sent: 06 March 2011 02:33
> To: Hendrik Boom
> Cc: users at racket-lang.org
> Subject: Re: [racket] Liitin screencast tutorial
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > One of the difficult aspect of life-long data accumulation is dealing
> > with data alrady accumulated before the new  system came into existence.
> Starting about 10 years ago, I started formulating potential dissertation
> topics like this:
>  here is a problem with reality
>  let's call a potential solution 'paradise'
>  I want a dissertation that
>    (1) describes paradise and
>    (2) describes a way to get from reality to paradise
> Sam's Typed Racket and Carl's Modular Hygienic ACL2 are two
> examples of just
> this kind of work.
> I think it helps a lot to take this perspective when it comes to a
> description of 'paradise'. In other words, the solution space changes
> with this constraint
> -- Matthias
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