[racket] stateless servlets problem
Ya, this is the suggested way to do it.
2011/1/2 Stefan Schmiedl <s at xss.de>:
> On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 19:23:42 +0100
> Stefan Schmiedl <s at xss.de> wrote:
> For now I'm content with having a web server that can serve
>> static files, call functions to handle requests or dispatch to different
>> (kinds of) servlets. Not sure that having such a beast run in the wild
>> is such a great idea, though.
> FWIW, would this solution be the "correct" way to implement this kind of thing?
> For suitable definitions of hello et al., of course.
> (require (prefix-in ds: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-sequencer)
> (prefix-in df: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-filter)
> (prefix-in dl: web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-lift))
> (define dispatch (ds:make
> (df:make #rx"^/a.rkt" (dl:make hello))
> (df:make #rx"^/servlets" (ds:make
> (dispatch/servlet hello-servlet-start #:regexp #rx"a.rkt" #:stateless? #t)
> (dispatch/servlet world-servlet-start #:regexp #rx"b.rkt" #:stateless? #f)))))
> Way more elegant than what I had before, and works without
> raising exceptions.
> Thanks,
> s.
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Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93