[plt-scheme] Application distribution mechanisms ...
> That being said, I love how easy it is to generate the standalone
> packages on other platforms, I usually end up having less trouble with
> it than the folks using py2exe. =)
It is easy indeed!
If the app's size is of the order of several 10s of MB, then
option 3 is great on both Windows and MacOSX (haven't
used it on Linux). For small applets and utilities, though,
it feels awkward and inefficient to download a 7MB file,
particularly since the downloadees in my case are likely
to have > 90% of the files already installed on their machine :)
On 07 Jan 2009, at 10:51 AM, Henk Boom wrote:
> 2009/1/6 kumar <kumar_lista at mac.com>:
>> I'd like to be able to distribute a scheme app in a small package for
>> those who already have DrScheme installed.
>> There are currently three methods for creating executables in
>> DrScheme -
>> 1. Create a launcher that loads source files
>> 2. Create a launcher that uses compiled versions of code.
>> 3. Create a distribution zip package containing all necessary dlls.
> I'll go one step in the other direction and suggest that it would be
> useful to have some automatic way of generating *really* standalone
> executables. It would be handy for things like ludum dare, where it
> has to be super-convenient to run your game or people don't bother; I
> have always had trouble getting the environment set up right so things
> generated by option 3 above know how to find the included dynamic
> libraries on Linux. It would also be handy to not be stuck with the
> bin/ and lib/ directory structure on Linux, since it makes the paths
> to texture and sound files platform-dependent.
> That being said, I love how easy it is to generate the standalone
> packages on other platforms, I usually end up having less trouble with
> it than the folks using py2exe. =)
> Henk