[plt-scheme] How far has anyone gotten toward writing a SOAP connector?

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Tue Nov 7 03:41:49 EST 2006

>You missed my point.  My point was that a claim like "all commercial
>products deliver..." is silly.  Not all do, and therefore your claim
>is pure hype, not one with a technical basis.

Ok, sorry, I misinterpreted 'technical'. Of course you are right,
I shouldn't generalize.

>to do what I can to support their growth.  I think a lot of the SOAP
>and WS-* world is a scam imposed on us by people with money to be made
>by promoting needless (and error-prone) complexity.

I also like the KISS way of thinking. However, a lot of people, not
only vendors, are looking for this kind of complexity.

Best wishes,


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