[plt-scheme] cannot install uninstalled manuals

From: Jean-Guillaume (gogomille at yahoo.fr)
Date: Mon Mar 13 17:56:43 EST 2006

Hello list,

I'm using PLT 301 on Mac OS X.

When I try to install more documentation (as "Inside PLT Mzscheme"  
and so), I get the following message :

delete-file: cannot delete file: "/Applications/PLT Scheme v301/ 
collects/doc/insidemz/hdindex" (Permission denied; errno=13)

Well, actually, there's something else : each time a newer PLT  
version is out, I download it and so I have to install all  
uninstalled manuals again (and I'm not sure they're updated (?)). I  
suppose these docs are not so big, may I suggest they all be provided  
as well in the standard distribution ?

Also, to have access to this documentation, i.e. "inside mzscheme", I  
have to either download  a big pdf file (the issue can be : *browing*  
the pdf offline), or stay connected to the internet to browse the  
online html, or install drscheme, try to download the uninstalled  
manual, and guess where is hidden the html doc on my computer, even  
if I'd rather not launch drscheme because it's really too bulky  
(sorry to say that).

Thanks for bringing mzscheme.



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