[plt-scheme] Web-browser works with 209 not 301
On Jan 18, 2006, at 03:14, Glenn Ambrose wrote:
> In the end I downloaded Winsock, did a bit of typing in the prompt
> and a bit of rebooting to no avail.
Sorry that didn't help.
> I did download a copy of Drscheme 209 and it works like a dream.
> Something has changed from 209 to 301 in the way it connects to a
> port but what?
Here's another experiment. Download Apache HTTP Server for Windows.
After all, it's a world-class web server, and if it works (or
doesn't), that might help you figure out what's up with your system,
if it's your system. I notice the Apache HTTP Server win32/
README.html has a bunch of advice, which might be applicable to your
As for the PLT web-server on Windows, I installed DrScheme v301 on a
Windows XP Pro system, changed the port number from 80 to 5915 (just
a test), and ran web-server.exe. The pages came up just fine on
http://localhost:5915/ . My only trouble/complaint was having to use
Task Manager to stop web-server. I thought I could type "web-server
stop", but that is not supported.
Geoffrey S. Knauth | http://knauth.org/gsk