[plt-scheme] a strange thing (about srpersist)

From: Zhu Chongkai (mathematica at citiz.net)
Date: Thu May 6 10:30:20 EDT 2004

Hi all,

When writing something with srpersist, I meet the following problem:

First I wrote the some code like the p1.scm. When it runs, a error occured at line 
31, the "(read-buffer id-buffer)". The error messege is always "read-buffer: 
expects argument of type <<sql-buffer>>; given 1277974 " . 

I try to debug and rewrite the code into the p2.scm. But this time it works and 
give the desired output! 

I can't find any reason why these two codes should behave differently. The 
circumstance is same and the ODBC and DBMS works well. What's wrong with the 

Zhu Chongkai
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