[plt-scheme] Snips and styles in text%

From: Saint Katsmall T. Wise, Esquire (kela_bit at netvision.net.il)
Date: Fri Jun 27 12:49:15 EDT 2003

Robby Findler wrote:

>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>At Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:20:11 +0000, "Saint Katsmall T. Wise, Esquire" wrote:
>>Now I am faced with the problem of setting the background color of a 
>>text% control. The text has a black background like I want and did using 
>>the styles, but I want the entire box to have black background 
>>(otherwise it's damn ugly). How would I do that?
>You can create your own derived classes from text% and possibly
>editor-canvas% and override on-paint.

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