[racket] Error installing metapict

From: Dr. C. SHUNMUGA VELAYUTHAM (cs_velayutham at cb.amrita.edu)
Date: Sat Mar 14 03:24:30 EDT 2015

I was trying to intall metapict through the package installer and was getting the following error message

make-script: unexpected value rendered: '((font ((class "badlink")) (span ((class "indexlink")) (span ((class "RktModLink")) (span ((class "RktSym")) "metapict/draw")))))


raco setup: error: during building docs for <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl
raco setup:   make-script: unexpected value rendered: '((font ((class "badlink")) (span ((class "indexlink")) (span ((class "RktModLink")) (span ((class "RktSym")) "metapict/draw")))))
raco setup:     context...:


drracket install: packages installed, although setup reported errors

Please guide me.

with regards

C. Shunmuga Velayutham

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