[racket] terminal-color package - output colored text to the terminal - comments before release

From: Richard Hopkins (richhguard-monotone at yahoo.co.uk)
Date: Sun Jan 25 17:19:51 EST 2015

To help me learn Racket, and also because I find colored text useful I've been working on
a Racket package which I aim to release on http://pkgs.racket-lang.org/

The goal is to output colored data to the terminal if it's possible, even on Windows, and it
currently does this by providing corresponding procedures for the standard Racket ones:
display, displayln, write and print. I've tested this on a few Linux distributions and Windows
and am reasonably happy with the results so far - release v0.4 at GitHub.

However, as I'm still swimming with armbands in the Racket pool, before releasing a
v1.0 I would like to make sure

* the API is right for end users
* the documentation is readable with decent examples
* the code works

* the code is readable and maintainable

* the code follows Racket conventions

If any one has any issues or comments please submit them via the GitHub project at
http://github.com/hopkinsr/terminal-color and I will try and resolve them.

I'd also like to say I wouldn't have been able to get this far without the Racket guide &
reference documentation and especially without the help of the Racket community - thanks!
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