[racket] script-plugin for DrRacket from laurent

From: Jens Axel Søgaard (jensaxel at soegaard.net)
Date: Mon Feb 16 15:37:04 EST 2015

Do you happen to be on OS X?

Which keyboard layout do you have?

Jens Axel Søgaard

2015-02-16 21:22 GMT+01:00 razo <r.tiefenthal at gmx.de>:
> Hi,
> I can't get key shortcuts to work properly. In case you don't know about
> Laurent Orseau's tool: "The Script Plugin’s purpose is to make it easy to
> extend DrRacket with small Racket scripts..."
> I have a few scripts which I can activate via key shortcuts, but only with
> some "prefix" like control or shift. When I leave the short-cut prefix list
> in the config file empty I would expect to be able to just press the
> shortcut key but instead nothing happens, it still behaves as if I had
> chosen control as the prefix. In the menu it reads correctly,
> eg."insert-parenthes Ö" but it behaves as if it was "Ctrl+Ö". I also tried
> setting shortcut-prefix to false (#f), choosing other keys than Ö, but
> nothing works. Any ideas?
> A typical .rktd file is:
> ((label . "insert-parenthes")
>  (functions . item-callback)
>  (shortcut . #\ö)
>  (shortcut-prefix . ())
>  (help-string . "Help String")
>  (output-to . selection)
>  (persistent . #t)
>  (active . #t))
> Bye
> Markus
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Jens Axel Søgaard

Posted on the users mailing list.