[racket] ANN: DOS, Delimited-continuation-based Operating-system Simulator
Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at ...> writes:
> I've just released the game architecture library I talked about in
> part 2 of my RacketCon talk.
> The big picture of this library is to make World-style programs more
> compositional by (a) using continuations to hide the internal state
> (including control state) of components and (b) using environments as
> a standard monoid-based inter-component communication channel. A
> monoid is used to ensure that the components can be evaluated in any
> order. Despite assumptions some have about continuations and pure
> functional programming, it is incredibly efficient and can run at
> 60FPS, as demonstrated in get-bonus.
> You can get it with
> raco pkg install dos
> And you can try out the demo with
> racket -l dos/examples/win
> The demo source is a bare 39 lines:
> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/dos/blob/master/dos/examples/win.rkt
> and I provide the non-DOS version for comparison:
> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/dos/blob/master/dos/examples/win-long.rkt
> The core library has a mere 36 lines:
> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/dos/blob/master/dos/main.rkt
Hi Jay,
I really enjoyed your talk on get-bonus at RacketCon last weekend, and
appreciate your sharing DOS with all of us. Also, your presentation at
Strange Loop 2013 was my first introduction to delimited continuations in
I have benefited from a number of your blog posts in the past, e.g. the one
on an improved threading macro, and was wondering if you would consider
doing a write-up on DOS?
Best regards,
Michael Bradley, Jr.