[racket] slider initial value is unexpectedly zero when min-value = max-value

From: Dmitry Pavlov (dpavlov at ipa.nw.ru)
Date: Thu Sep 18 11:22:40 EDT 2014


The title says it all, but here is also a code snip:

(require racket/gui)

(define frame (new frame% (label "test")))

(define slider
   (new slider%
        (label "")
        (parent frame)
        (min-value 1)
        (max-value 1)))

(display (send slider get-value))

It prints "0", and this is a sign of violation
of the invariant min-value <= init-value <= max-value.
Passing (init-value 1) does not help.

Best regards,


Posted on the users mailing list.