[racket] book for a absolute beginner

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 16 13:44:06 EDT 2014

On Oct 16, 2014, at 1:06 PM, Roelof Wobben <r.wobben at home.nl> wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone know a good book for a absolute beginner in racket with a lot of exercises so I can check if I understand anything right ?

It depends on your definition of 'absolute beginner'. Here are three scenarios: 

1. a middle school kid who has never programmed 

	use the bootstrap-world.org material 
	perhaps followed by Picturing Programs 

2. a college freshman without programming experience 
	use HtDP/2e

3. an adult who recently learned to program in one language (say Java) and heard that 'all hackers benefit from learning to program in Lisp

	use Realm of Racket 

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