[racket] Plugin Development

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 9 22:30:36 EDT 2014

Unfortunately, there is not. Depending on what your plugin does, it
isn't clear that it is really possible. In particular, if you're
mixing something new into the DrRacket frame then it is hard to know
what to do with all of the old frames now they should have a new

I agree it can be tedious, tho, and there could be a better design of
an extension API that would make that kind of thing easier (and also
make it easier to dynamically stop and start plugins) but we're not
there yet.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Adam C.M. Solove <asolove at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm new to the Racket ecosystem and poking around with the plugin system to
> see how hard it would be to build a minikanren debugger tool in DrRacket.
> But first, a much more basic question:
> Is there a good way to interactively write and test DrRacket plugins?
> I'm currently going through the plugin docs by making a small change,
> quitting and restarting DrRacket, seeing that it doesn't quite work, making
> another small change, etc. It's a bit frustrating. Is there a way to simply
> reload the plugin I'm working on while leaving my DrRacket session alive?
> Thanks,
> Adam
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