[racket] FastCGI support?

From: Matt Gushee (matt at gushee.net)
Date: Wed Nov 19 03:47:14 EST 2014

Thank you, Jens. I think I've even seen that before ... although I
gather SCGI has some limitations compared to FastCGI, it might work
for me. I'll definitely give it a try.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 1:41 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard
<jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you need: http://www.neilvandyke.org/racket-scgi/
> /Jens Axel
> 2014-11-19 9:16 GMT+01:00 Matt Gushee <matt at gushee.net>:
>> Hello--
>> Let me preface this by saying "hi" to the community. This is my first
>> post here ... I've been working with Chicken Scheme on and off for 7
>> years or so. I tried out PLT Scheme, as it was then called, a couple
>> of times in the past, but I felt that it was kind of a toy language.
>> Having dug in a bit deeper this time, I see now that I was wrong.
>> Anyway, Chicken has a lot of strengths, including a great toolchain
>> and a great community, but the libraries often seem like a haphazard
>> collection of APIs that don't always work well together. Racket feels
>> like much more of a coherent system, and has much better support for
>> high-level constructs like signatures and contracts and packages ...
>> plus I find the documentation quite thorough and readable, if
>> sometimes a bit hard to navigate. And so it looks like I will be using
>> Racket to develop a couple of my rather ambitious projects.
>> But anyway, for tonight I have one simple question: is there a FastCGI
>> module/package for Racket anywhere? I see that Section 20 of the Net
>> library docs mention "the FastCGI library." Does that mean something
>> that exists, or has existed, or might soon exist, in the Racket world?
>> Or does it refer to the C library (libfcgi)?
>> I don't imagine it would be terribly hard to write a libfcgi wrapper
>> module, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there's already
>> something out there.
>> Thanks for any info!
>> --
>> Matt Gushee
>> ____________________
>>   Racket Users list:
>>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
> --
> --
> Jens Axel Søgaard

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