[racket] Live coding with Racket?

From: Hendrik Boom (hendrik at topoi.pooq.com)
Date: Thu May 29 18:00:23 EDT 2014

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 08:59:44PM +0000, George Rudolph wrote:
> I am thinking about having students in my upcoming Programming Languages
> course do one or more live coding exercises, perhaps
> even a live performance at the end of Fall semester.
> There are other live coding tools,
> but I plan on teaching them functional programming using Racket, so why
> not have some fun?  I'd be interested in any suggestions you all might have as to how to make that experience pleasant for all.

Maybe there should be a htdp book that uses live coding and audio 
instead of numbers or pictures?

-- hendrik

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