[racket] Live coding with Racket?

From: George Rudolph (rudolphg1 at citadel.edu)
Date: Thu May 29 16:59:44 EDT 2014

I'm interested in what people are using to do live coding
with Racket?
I have Fluxus 0.17 installed in "C:\program files" on Windows 8.1".
What is the correct require statement to include fluxus libraries
in my code? I'm having path problems.

I also have supercollider installed separately for music,
and I would like to know what are the most current Racket libraries
for interfacing with Supercollider as well.

I am thinking about having students in my upcoming Programming Languages
course do one or more live coding exercises, perhaps
even a live performance at the end of Fall semester.
There are other live coding tools,
but I plan on teaching them functional programming using Racket, so why
not have some fun?  I'd be interested in any suggestions you all might have as to how to make that experience pleasant for all.

George Rudolph
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
225 Thompson Hall
The Citadel
171 Moultrie Street
Charleston, SC 29409

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