[racket] New Package for Racket: cellular automata

From: Deren Dohoda (deren.dohoda at gmail.com)
Date: Fri May 9 00:34:26 EDT 2014

Hi Racketeers,

I have a package for elementary cellular automata which I have successfully
created, complete with docs, tested locally, pushed to github and then test
installed. Thanks a lot for the documentation on this process, it was very

Unfortunately I must admit I was sorely lost in figuring out the info.rkt
file that would describe this package in some kind of meaningful way. I'd
like to put this up on the package list for others to play with but what
should I be sure I have in my info.rkt file before I do so? Are there
specific fields that I should consider a minimum that aren't mentioned in
"Getting Started with Packages"?

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