[racket] Make Install Flag for Copying libmzgc
What is the flag needed when buidling for Unix/Linuxto include the libmzgc
stuff? I'm currently using
./configure --enable-shared --enable-libs --enable-xonx
What I have been doing is manually copying over the .so files after running
make & make install from /build/racket/.libs to my ${prefix}/lib
directory. What am I missing? Why won't the install script just do this for
I've tried buidling with the same flags as I mentioned above with
--enable-cgcdefault, but bad things to happen during the install (there are
a lot of errors etc.). It still creates all the right files in my ${prefix}
directory, but it seems to behave strangely (e.g. it takes drracket 5
minutes to start.) Any direction is appreciated!
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