[racket] Question #3 from Realm of Racket
In Guess My Number I see the following definitions:
(define (smaller w)
(interval (interval-small w)
(max (interval-small w) (sub1 (guess w)))))
(define (bigger w)
(interval (min (interval-big w) (add1 (guess w)))
(interval-big w)))
(define (guess w)
(quotient (+ (interval-small w) (interval-big w)) 2))
(define (render w)
(overlay (text (number->string (guess w)) SIZE COLOR) MT-SC))
(define (render-last-scene w)
(overlay (text "End" SIZE COLOR) MT-SC))
(define (single? w)
(= (interval-small w) (interval-big w)))
Why is w (which is world?) included as a parameter? For instance in guess, it seems the only thing needed to calculate it is access to the values of interval.
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