[racket] rudimentary macro Q.
Instead of manipulating the lexical information I would explicitly pass macros around to inform the reader of my program what's happening:
#lang racket
(module inner racket
(provide public-proc)
(define-syntax public-proc
(syntax-rules ()
[(public-proc x private-proc) (private-proc x)]
[(public-proc x) (private-proc x)]))
(define (private-proc x) (format "Inner private proc says ~a" x)))
(require 'inner)
(define (private-proc x) (format "Outer private proc says ~a" x))
(public-proc 19)
(public-proc 19 private-proc)
-- Matthias
On Feb 26, 2014, at 1:54 PM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
> Thank you. Maybe I can make the question a tiny bit less dumb (though still really dumb).
> In this example, when I use the syntax macro 'public-proc', it keeps the 'private-proc' binding from the 'inner' submodule.
> Q: How could I invoke 'public-proc' for its syntax-generating effect in the main module, yet have it adopt the binding of 'private-proc' in the main module?
> I gather roughly that it requires tampering with the lexical information of the syntax objects. Then things get hazy.
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> #lang racket
> (module inner racket
> (provide public-proc)
> (define-syntax-rule (public-proc x) (private-proc x))
> (define (private-proc x) (format "Inner private proc says ~a" x)))
> (require 'inner)
> (define (private-proc x) (format "Outer private proc says ~a" x))
> (syntax->datum (expand #'(public-proc 'hi)))
> ;> '(#%app private-proc 'hi)
> (public-proc 'hi)
> ;> "Inner private proc says hi"
> (syntax->datum (expand #'(private-proc 'hi)))
> ;> '(#%app private-proc 'hi)
> (private-proc 'hi)
> ;> "Outer private proc says hi"
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> On Feb 26, 2014, at 10:22 AM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>> That's precisely the behavior you want:
>> -- what's exported is the public name, which would usually check/do things before it calls private
>> -- while the unprotected private one is not provided and should not be visilble.
>> How does the mechanics work? Well it delivers path names to these private identifier that in principle you can find too. So you can get around provided/not-provided but you don't want to
>> -- Matthias
>> On Feb 26, 2014, at 11:51 AM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
>>> In this example, why can syntax produced via macro reach the private function, while the ordinary syntax cannot?
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;; one.rkt
>>> #lang racket/base
>>> (provide public-proc)
>>> (define (private-proc x)
>>> (format "The private proc says ~a" x))
>>> (define-syntax-rule (public-proc x)
>>> (private-proc x))
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;; two.rkt
>>> #lang racket/base
>>> (require "one.rkt")
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> Running two.rkt:
>>>> (public-proc 'hi)
>>> "The private proc says hi"
>>>> (private-proc 'hi)
>>> private-proc: undefined
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