[racket] GUI, places, exe
#lang racket/gui
(define (main)
(define p
(dynamic-place "test-place.rkt" 'worker))
(place-channel-put p 1)
(place-channel-get p))
#lang racket/base
(require racket/place)
(provide worker)
(define (worker ch)
(define in (place-channel-get ch))
(place-channel-put ch (+ in 1)))
Run test.rkt in DrRacket. OK. Gives 2.
Create excutable / Distribution. Got test.zip. Unpack it to C:\test. Run
Fail. Gives
default-load-handler: cannot open module file
module path: #<path:C:\test\test-place.rkt>
path: C:\test\test-place.rkt
system error: File not found; errno=2
Суббота, 15 февраля 2014, 6:55 -07:00 от Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu>:
>At Sat, 15 Feb 2014 16:14:51 +0400, Roman Klochkov wrote:
>> When I try to use places with racket/gui in one file, it gives me a error,
>> because of double gui initialization.
>> When I use places in separate file via dynamic-place, it works, until I make
>> an executable.
>> Then the executable requests all sources for my place.rkt, uncluding all
>> required collects.
>> Am I doing something wroing? Please help!
>Can you provide an example?
>I tried:
> x.rkt
> -----
> #lang racket/gui
> (require "y.rkt")
> (module+ main (go))
> y.rkt
> -----
> #lang racket
> (provide go)
> (define (go) (place-wait (place p 10)))
>and "x.rkt" works both when run directory or as separate executable.
>In contrast,
> z.rkt
> -----
> #lang racket/gui
> (define (go) (place-wait (place p 10)))
> (module+ main (go))
>fails in both modes (as you report and as expected).
Roman Klochkov
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