[racket] Is there any tool like curses in Racket?

From: 亀田馬志 (masashi.kameda at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Feb 4 00:49:46 EST 2014

I appreciate you guys very much to tell me the tips!

2014-02-04 Neil Van Dyke Lists <neil_lists at neilvandyke.org>:

> CharTerm works on GNU/Linux, and reportedly also on Mac OS X.  Probably
> not on Microsoft Windows, although I'm willing to add Windows support if
> someone cares enough to research a good and easy approach using current
> Windows facilities (not Win32 FFI calls).  (Of course, you can always run
> the Racket code on GNU/Linux or Mac OS X, while using as your display an
> SSH client terminal emulator running on Windows.)
> If someone is programming with CharTerm and wants example code, in
> addition to the "demo.rkt" that comes with CharTerm, there is also
> Rackonsole ("http://www.neilvandyke.org/rackonsole/").  "demo.rkt" might
> be a good copy&paste starting point for one's app event loop with window
> resizing.  One can discard the code in "demo.rkt" for the editable text
> widget.  (The editable text widget and the window-resizing event loop
> skeleton both might become library features in the future, but for now it's
> copy&paste from "demo.rkt".)
> Neil V.
> Jens Axel Søgaard wrote at 02/03/2014 08:49 AM:
>> 2014-02-03 Asumu Takikawa<asumu at ccs.neu.edu>:
>>> On 2014-02-03 16:50:15 +0900, 亀田馬志 wrote:
>>>>     Is there any function to do this instead of READ?
>>>>     Possibly need some library like curses in UNIX (though I now use
>>>> Windows).
>>>>     Supposing to write a text editor like vi with Racket, how do you
>>>> guys to
>>>>     write codes using h, j, k, and l keys as cursor? In the case with
>>>> standard
>>>>     input and output, as you know, it is impossible to emulate the move.
>>>>     Is there any library to emulate something like curses in Racket?
>>> I recommend Neil Van Dyke's "charterm" library for curses-like
>>> terminal display on Unix:
>> Ditto. Besides the documentation see a few examples here:
>>      http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Racket
>> On the page search for "Terminal Control".
>>> http://planet.racket-lang.org/package-source/neil/charterm.
>>> plt/3/1/planet-docs/doc/index.html
>> /Jens Axel
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