[racket] Help with sockets.
Alejandro Zamora Fonseca wrote at 04/30/2014 09:08 AM:
> Well I want to write a game for programmers that listen input for
> programs written in any language, I'm still in the "general" modeling
> phase, but I think the I/O would be based in XML and/or JSON.
If you want it most easily usable from Web apps, I suggest HTTP of
JSON. Any other language can handle that fine, too.
XML is harder for almost everyone to deal with than JSON is. Sometimes
it seems like almost no one designing XML schemas (mainly ad-hoc) uses
XML in a way more sophisticated than they'd use JSON. And XML has a
bunch of overbearing baggage. I only use XML when it's required by
legacy interoperation, and I don't design anything new using XML.
I somewhat dislike HTTP (and MIME) on a technical level, but
practically, given its adoption, it often makes tons of sense. If you
have a connection-based request-response protocol, and you don't mind
the HTTP overhead, HTTP's accessibility to Web apps makes it generally
better than straight TCP. If you need less overhead or connectionless,
use straight TCP or UDP.
Neil V.
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