[racket] Sometimes (syntax-e #<syntax (lambda (x) #f)>) produces a non-list pair
Basically, I have a macro, called proc-with-stx, that captures an expression and stores it in a syntax object, and I have another macro, called lambda-with-stx, that expands to (proc-with-stx (lambda …)).
When I use (proc-with-stx (lambda (x) #f), then the syntax-e of the syntax-object is a list, but when I use (lambda-with-stx (x) #f), which should expand to the same thing, the syntax-e of the syntax-object is a non-list pair:
#lang racket
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(struct proc+stx (proc stx)
#:property prop:procedure (struct-field-index proc))
(define-syntax-rule (proc-with-stx expr)
(proc+stx expr #'expr))
(define-syntax-rule (lambda-with-stx args body ...)
(proc-with-stx (lambda args body ...)))
(module+ test
(define f
(lambda-with-stx (x) #f))
(define f2 ; f should expand to f2
(proc-with-stx (lambda (x) #f)))
(define f-stx (proc+stx-stx f))
(define f2-stx (proc+stx-stx f2))
;; tests for f:
(check-true (procedure? f))
(check-equal? (f 1) #f)
(check-pred list? (syntax-e f-stx)) ; this test fails, produces '(#<syntax lambda> #<syntax (x)> . #<syntax (#f)>) instead
;; same tests for f2
(check-true (procedure? f2))
(check-equal? (f2 1) #f)
(check-pred list? (syntax-e f2-stx)) ; this test passes, produces '(#<syntax lambda> #<syntax (x)> #<syntax #f>)
Why doesn't (syntax-e f-stx) produce a list like (syntax-e f2stx) does?