[racket] (sqlite3-connect) does not survive "raco distribute" on Windows, saying "sqlite3_open: implementation not found"

From: Dmitry Pavlov (dpavlov at ipa.nw.ru)
Date: Tue Sep 24 10:52:19 EDT 2013


I just downloaded and installed the Racket nightly build from here:
(I removed the old installation completely before installing
the nightly build)

The nightly build does seem to contain your changes in
which were supposed to fix the problem.

However, it does not seem to work...
I ran the same test with mytable.rkt and it has the same problem
as before. Could you please look into that?



On 09/13/2013 10:02 PM, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> Thanks, fixed.
> Ryan
> On 09/13/2013 01:20 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
>> That's the right idea, but the "libsqlite3" is also needed for Mac OS X
>> PPC.
>> I think that
>>   (define-runtime-path sqlite-path
>>     (case (system-type)
>>       [(windows) '(so "sqlite3")]
>>       [else '(so "libsqlite3")]))
>> is probably best, along the same lines as `openssl/libcrypto`.
>> At Fri, 13 Sep 2013 13:17:27 -0400, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
>>> I've pushed what I believe is a fix. I think the issue is that raco
>>> distribute needs to bundle the Racket copy of sqlite3.dll on Windows,
>>> since it's not a system library. Here's the code:
>>> ;; On Windows, raco distribute should include the local sqlite3.dll;
>>> ;; other platforms have libsqlite3 as system library.
>>> (define-runtime-path-list _sqlite-libs-for-distribute
>>>     (case (system-type)
>>>       [(windows) '((so "sqlite3.dll"))]
>>>       [else '()]))
>>> Matthew: does that look right and safe for cross-platform zo
>>> compilation?
>>> Ryan
>>> On 09/13/2013 12:13 PM, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> [I actually filed a bug report, but have not received
>>>> a confirmation, and decided to write here as well.]
>>>> A program does a call to (sqlite3-connect). The program works well
>>>> itself, and it works well after being translated into an executable
>>>> by "raco exe", but "raco distribute" breaks it.
>>>> The bug reproduces only on Windows; on Linux everything works fine.
>>>> File mytable.rkt:
>>>> #lang racket
>>>> (require db)
>>>> (define path "mytable.db")
>>>> (when (file-exists? path)
>>>>     (delete-directory/files path))
>>>> (define conn (sqlite3-connect #:database path #:mode 'create))
>>>> (query-exec conn "create table MYTABLE (n integer primary key)")
>>>> (disconnect conn)
>>>> (printf "OK\n")
>>>> Steps to reproduce:
>>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>raco exe mytable.rkt
>>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>mytable.exe
>>>> OK
>>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>raco distribute mytable-distr
>>>> mytable.exe
>>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>mytable-distr\mytable.exe
>>>> sqlite3_open: implementation not found; arguments: #"C:\\Documents and
>>>> Settings\\dpavlov\\mytable.db" 6
>>>>     context...:
>>>>      c:\program files\racket\collects\db\private\sqlite3\main.rkt:11:0:
>>>> sqlite3-connect13
>>>>      #%mzc:mytable: [running body]
>>>>      loop
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Dmitry
>>>> ____________________
>>>>    Racket Users list:
>>>>    http://lists.racket-lang.org/users

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