[racket] (sqlite3-connect) does not survive "raco distribute" on Windows, saying "sqlite3_open: implementation not found"
Thanks, fixed.
On 09/13/2013 01:20 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> That's the right idea, but the "libsqlite3" is also needed for Mac OS X
> PPC.
> I think that
> (define-runtime-path sqlite-path
> (case (system-type)
> [(windows) '(so "sqlite3")]
> [else '(so "libsqlite3")]))
> is probably best, along the same lines as `openssl/libcrypto`.
> At Fri, 13 Sep 2013 13:17:27 -0400, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
>> I've pushed what I believe is a fix. I think the issue is that raco
>> distribute needs to bundle the Racket copy of sqlite3.dll on Windows,
>> since it's not a system library. Here's the code:
>> ;; On Windows, raco distribute should include the local sqlite3.dll;
>> ;; other platforms have libsqlite3 as system library.
>> (define-runtime-path-list _sqlite-libs-for-distribute
>> (case (system-type)
>> [(windows) '((so "sqlite3.dll"))]
>> [else '()]))
>> Matthew: does that look right and safe for cross-platform zo compilation?
>> Ryan
>> On 09/13/2013 12:13 PM, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> [I actually filed a bug report, but have not received
>>> a confirmation, and decided to write here as well.]
>>> A program does a call to (sqlite3-connect). The program works well
>>> itself, and it works well after being translated into an executable
>>> by "raco exe", but "raco distribute" breaks it.
>>> The bug reproduces only on Windows; on Linux everything works fine.
>>> File mytable.rkt:
>>> #lang racket
>>> (require db)
>>> (define path "mytable.db")
>>> (when (file-exists? path)
>>> (delete-directory/files path))
>>> (define conn (sqlite3-connect #:database path #:mode 'create))
>>> (query-exec conn "create table MYTABLE (n integer primary key)")
>>> (disconnect conn)
>>> (printf "OK\n")
>>> Steps to reproduce:
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>raco exe mytable.rkt
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>mytable.exe
>>> OK
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>raco distribute mytable-distr mytable.exe
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\dpavlov>mytable-distr\mytable.exe
>>> sqlite3_open: implementation not found; arguments: #"C:\\Documents and
>>> Settings\\dpavlov\\mytable.db" 6
>>> context...:
>>> c:\program files\racket\collects\db\private\sqlite3\main.rkt:11:0:
>>> sqlite3-connect13
>>> #%mzc:mytable: [running body]
>>> loop
>>> Regards,
>>> Dmitry
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