[racket] Checksum not found for git tags packages

From: Jay McCarthy (jay.mccarthy at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Sep 19 09:48:23 EDT 2013

Thanks Laurent. There were two errors in the server. The first was the
arity which was blocking your package from being updated. The other
was a minor display error when displaying errors :) I fixed them both
and your package updates now.


On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 2:12 AM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah, now it seems that it works for one tagged package, but there is still an
> error with another one:
> https://pkg.racket-lang.org/info/mred-designer
> where the checksum fails with:
> ErrorThe last time we attempted to update this checksum. The following error
> was thrown:
> pkg-desc: arity mismatch;
>  the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
>   expected: 5
>   given: 4
>   arguments...:
>    "github://github.com/Metaxal/MrEd-Designer/v3.12/"
>    #f
>    "dedac5cde7b6783e906984a5ec2cbf06720f0ed0"
>    #f
> It may be unrelated, but there is also a "&tr;" at the top of the page,
> which does not appear on other package pages.
> Laurent
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can't manage to have pkg.racket-lang.org to get the checksum of my git
>> tags, for example:
>> github://github.com/Metaxal/MrEd-Designer/v3.12/
>> which seems to be in line with the docs:
>> http://docs.racket-lang.org/pkg/Package_Concepts.html#%28tech._package._source%29
>> The tags are annotated, and created with
>> git tag -a <..> -m <...>
>> so they should contain a checksum.
>> Am I doing something wrong?
>> Laurent
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Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University

"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93

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