[racket] How to get a pict-box into a slideshow?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 17 12:22:45 EDT 2013

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Konrad Hinsen
<konrad.hinsen at fastmail.net>wrote:

> Robby Findler writes:
>  > I am not seeing any hanging, but I did see an error and just pushed a
> fix for that. How
>  > are you getting things to hang?
> It's not deterministic, unfortunately. The best recipe I found is this:
>    1) Type the following code into DrRacket (or load it from a file):
>    #lang slideshow
>    (slide
>     (t "Hello world")
>     )
>    2) Put the cursor before the last closing parenthesis.
>    3) Insert Pict Box.
>    4) Quit DrRacket
> This hangs at about every fourth attempt.
It didn't hang yet for me after 12 attempts. If you do see it again, and
you started DrRacket from a shell prompt, hit control-c and we might get
lucky and get an informative stacktrace.

> I also get the error message "Only pure text files supported",

This is intended to be more of a warning about a limitation of online check

> and I
> cannot do anything with a pict box other than delete it. I tried
> clicking and double-clicking with all three mouse buttons, then I ran
> out of ideas. A right-click shows the popup "Cannot show picts: run
> program to cache sizes first". But running the program makes no difference.

You probably want to insert a Racket box into the pict box and then type
some code in there that evaluates to a pict.

But I fear you'll be disappointed. The reason I mothballed these (and I had
forgotten about the environment variable!) was because they were just too

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