[racket] Strange editor behaviour
That doesn't seem to be it for me. Could it be that switching back and
forth causes you to go into the bad mode? That is, if you do this:
- open the find/replace window
- click to set the focus to the definitions window
- type left and then right (without the shift key down)
- shift-left twice
- shift-right three times
do things work properly?
I think I see a bug whereby typing cmd-f to go out of the definitions
window and then cmd-f again to go back in (you probably have slightly
different keybindings to go in and out but they should have the same
effect) that the definitions window "forgets" what its anchor was and
shift-left and shift-right stop working properly.
On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 9:20 AM, bhrgunatha <bhrgunatha at hotmail.com> wrote:
> After lots of head scratching and experimenting I have a consistent cause.
> It seems like the Search and Replace bar causes some problem.
> It is only happening when the Replace text box is visible.
> This weird behaviour disappears if the I click the Hide Replace button or
> choose Hide Replace from the Edit menu.
> I've also noticed that S:C:R stops working after the Replace text box and
> buttons have disappeared. That is I can't Hide, then Re show the Replace
> text box.
> I hope that helps you fix the problem, but I'm pretty happy now I know how
> to get the correct operation back again.
> Thanks,
> Bhrgunatha
> On 14/09/13 20:04, Robby Findler wrote:
>> This sounds like a bug in the implementation of the shift-left and
>> shift-right keybindings.
>> If you can give some kind of a step by step procedure to get into the
>> bad state, then I think we can probably fix it.
>> Robby
>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 6:16 AM, bhrgunatha <bhrgunatha at hotmail.com
>> <mailto:bhrgunatha at hotmail.com**>> wrote:
>> I'm having a problem editing programs using DrRacket. This happened
>> once before but went away after re-installing. [1].
>> I'm having the same issue again. Basically the behaviour of text
>> selection is changes while I open and edit different files running a
>> single instance of DrRacket.
>> If I select some text and then press SHIFT+Left instead of altering
>> the selection based on the current cursor position, the selection is
>> extended left from the beginning of the text currently selected.
>> Similarly for SHIFT+Right - it extends the text selection one
>> character to the right from the end of the selection rather than the
>> current cursor position. Same for SHIFT+Down, SHIFT+Up.
>> Is there some key binding or setting in DrRacket that controls the
>> way text selection is handled that I am accidentally hitting?
>> It doesn't happen in any other editor - it's specific to DrRacket.
>> If I quit DrRacket and re-open it normal operation continues for a
>> while again. I don't know if it's a bug or some setting in DrRacket
>> that I am unaware of.
>> My current specs are:
>> Arch Linux 64 bit:
>> Linux 3.10.10-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> DrRacket 5.3.6.
>> (This is a version I compiled myself - but it's the same using the
>> Arch binary package - racket 5.3.6-1)
>> Can someone offer any advice?
>> Bhrgunatha
>> [1]
>> http://article.gmane.org/__**gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/__**
>> 17034/match=bhrgunatha<http://article.gmane.org/__gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/__17034/match=bhrgunatha>
>> <http://article.gmane.org/**gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/**
>> 17034/match=bhrgunatha<http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.racket.user/17034/match=bhrgunatha>
>> >
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