[racket] Modified esc;w

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sat Sep 14 10:00:35 EDT 2013

[ Adding the list back in, as last time it seems like it was
unintentionally left off. ]

I think you will find that posts on the mailing list like this will get
answered (probably by someone other than me!), especially if they begin
with something like "Hi everyone: I'm trying to figure out a few more
Emacs-like keybindings to add to DrRacket and got stuck figuring out how to
do X. Here's what I tried and where I got stuck ...."

In this case, I think you want to use something like the 'rebind' function
described here:


to call the keymap's function named "exit".

The 'close' method that's being invoked in that code is an editor method,
not the frame method and is designed for frames to inform editors that they
are being closed (so it is mostly for being overridden). The docs do
contain some wording to this effect, but I can see how it is easy to get
lost in big framework documentation.


On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Eduardo Costa <edu500ac at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Robby.
> I have built the system from git, because I don't know how to apply diffs.
> In any case, now everything is working perfectly well.
> As for the complete Emacs keybindings, I have a few comments. I teach
> Computer Architecture and Compiler construction. People here use mostly
> Common Lisp (sbcl) in both courses, and Emacs. The reason is that Common
> Lisp has good libraries for dealing with number formats, which is the
> section A of both licensing examinations that our students are supposed to
> take. On the pamflet of the National Council of Examiners for Engineering
> and Surveying, one can read:
> Computer Systems
> A. Numeric and Nonnumeric Formats
> 1. Number representation
> 2. Character representation
> 3. Encoding schemes
> 4. Error detection and correction
> Of course, teachers here use Emacs for editing verilog programs, etc.
> Common Lisp has libraries for dealing with IEEE 754 standard and other
> number representations.
> I am thinking about switching to Racket, because its IDE. Of course,
> students are used to Emacs, and will be uncomfortable with different
> keybindings. But they like all graphics that they find out of the box in
> Racket, and the possibility of generating png and jpg images.
> My students tested your key bindings, and they think that they satisfy
> most needs of typing without mouse. In any case, three students offered as
> volunteers for adding a more complete set of key bindings.  However, they
> do not know Racket very well, and somebody will need to tutor them. For the
> time being, I would like to know how to implement the quit key binding. Mrs
> Junia Magellan, a graduate student, tried the following program:
> #lang s-exp framework/keybinding-lang
> (keybinding "c:x;c:c" (lambda (ed evt)
>           (send ed close)))
> The problem is that this key binding does not quit. If you accept
> collaboration  from my students, you will need to answer many questions
> like that.
> 2013/9/14 Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu>
>> You can build from git: https://github.com/plt/racket/; you can manually
>> apply a similar diff to this one:
>> https://github.com/plt/racket/commit/c0462d0fed6d37c1f038dde141021f63505902b5
>> or you can get a snapshot build (but this commit won't be in there for
>> about 12-14 hours I guess):
>>   http://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/snapshots/
>>   http://www.cs.utah.edu/plt/snapshots/
>> hth,
>> Robby
>>  On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Eduardo Costa <edu500ac at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>  Sorry, I replied directly to Robby Findler, instead of sending the
>>> request to the list, so others can also profit of Robby's answer.
>>> Where can one get the modified esc;w?
>>> ____________________
>>>   Racket Users list:
>>>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
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