[racket] An elm-like racket language?

From: Daniel Prager (daniel.a.prager at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Nov 12 15:21:37 EST 2013

Given the existence of FrTime, whalesong, and FlapJax is anyone working on
or considering doing an elm-like language (http://elm-lang.org/) for Racket?

Behind that question is my need to do some GUI programming -- more like
rapid prototyping at this stage -- in Racket and/or using a web front-end,
and I'm tossing up biting the bullet and learning the mainstream
callback-based frameworks or looking more deeply into more bleeding edge
FRP options.

Elm seems to have momentum, looks clean, and targets the web, but has a
Haskell-inspired syntax.

Perspectives and suggestions most welcome.


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