[racket] Complexity Failure: Third Attempt, Third Time Fail

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Tue May 28 10:51:52 EDT 2013

Ray Racine wrote at 05/27/2013 08:34 PM:
> Creating a library, documenting it, publishing it should be drop dead 
> simple and just work. And it probably does, for simple things, if 
> you're careful.  Probably.

I made McFly for this purpose.  http://www.neilvandyke.org/mcfly-tools/

It works pretty well, if you want to release via PLaneT, and if your 
documentation is embedded in only one Racket file.

This package was done with McFly, for example: 

I was going to add a couple more features to McFly and clean up the 
code, but that's probably on hold until the new package system settles.  
In the interim, I'm still using McFly to put my packages into PLaneT.

Neil V.

Posted on the users mailing list.