[racket] Bug in PLaneT?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Mon May 20 23:15:08 EDT 2013

I think probably the best thing is to upload a new package that doesn't
have any spaces in the name. I'm not really sure if this is a bug in the
package creation checking or in planet's handling of names with spaces and
mixed case, but I guess that you should have gotten an error earlier in the

Also: we are in the midst of moving to a new package system for Racket: if
you'd like, you'd be welcome to be an early adopter!


On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Tomás Coiro <tomcoiro at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe there's something i don't understand, but PLaneT is telling me that
> the way to require a package i've put there is:
> (require (planet |tomcoiro/Doodle Draw:1:1/lang|))
> But putting that in DrRacket tells me it's an ill-formed package name,
> (possibly because i've put the package with spaces?).
> Also there seems to be no way to either delete a package or change it's
> name, so if that's the problem i don't know how i could fix it.
> If it helps, the package page is here
> http://planet.racket-lang.org/display.ss?package=Doodle%20Draw.plt&owner=tomcoiro<http://planet.racket-lang.org/display.ss?package=Doodle%2520Draw.plt&owner=tomcoiro.>
> Although you can search it in Miscellaneous in the PLaneT page.
> Is there anything I'm missing?
> docs are still incomplete, an example program would be something like
> #lang s-exp (planet |tomcoiro/Doodle Draw:1:1/lang|)
> 500 500
> (180 280 183 268 186 256 189 244)
> (191 244 290 244 300 230 339 245)
> (340 246 350 290 360 300 355 210)
> (353 210 370 207 380 196 375 193)
> (375 193 310 220 190 220 164 205)
> (164 205 135 194 135 265 153 275)
> (153 275 168 275 170 180 150 190)
> (149 190 122 214 142 204 85 240)
> (86 240 100 247 125 233 140 238)
> (show "Picasso's Dog")
> I'd hope that would work with the way it currently is written.
> Thanks in advance and thanks to Robby for answering my last question.
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