[racket] Bug in PLaneT?

From: Tomás Coiro (tomcoiro at hotmail.com)
Date: Mon May 20 21:38:31 EDT 2013

Maybe there's something i don't understand, but PLaneT is telling me that the way to require a package i've put there is:
(require (planet |tomcoiro/Doodle Draw:1:1/lang|))

But putting that in DrRacket tells me it's an ill-formed package name, (possibly because i've put the package with spaces?).
Also there seems to be no way to either delete a package or change it's name, so if that's the problem i don't know how i could fix it.

If it helps, the package page is here http://planet.racket-lang.org/display.ss?package=Doodle%20Draw.plt&owner=tomcoiro

Although you can search it in Miscellaneous in the PLaneT page.

Is there anything I'm missing?

docs are still incomplete, an example program would be something like
#lang s-exp (planet |tomcoiro/Doodle Draw:1:1/lang|)
500 500
(180 280 183 268 186 256 189 244)
(191 244 290 244 300 230 339 245)
(340 246 350 290 360 300 355 210)
(353 210 370 207 380 196 375 193)
(375 193 310 220 190 220 164 205)
(164 205 135 194 135 265 153 275)
(153 275 168 275 170 180 150 190)
(149 190 122 214 142 204 85 240)
(86 240 100 247 125 233 140 238)
(show "Picasso's Dog")

I'd hope that would work with the way it currently is written.

Thanks in advance and thanks to Robby for answering my last question.
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