[racket] raco setup and compile-collection-zos
Just in case, is there any update on that?
I'd prefer to use `compile-collection-zos' than 'raco setup' within a
system call, because it allows me to catch the exceptions in case it fails
(and it's cleaner).
The goal is to have a program (rwind) recompile itself and, on success,
restart itself.
In case of compilation failure, I want to display the exception.
But when I try `(compile-collection-zos "rwind")', it fails with:
make-directory: cannot make directory
path: /usr/lib/racket-
system error: Permission non accordée; errno=13
(permission denied)
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> The problem is that DrRacket sets various other parameters that affect
>> compilation --- so that the programs you run within DrRacket get
>> automatically compiled, for example.
>> It's possible that things used to work back before `Populate "compiled"
>> directories' was on by default in DrRacket, and turning off that option
>> in the language dialog may make things work for you.
> Actually, I'm not really bothered by DrRacket here.
> I'd like to be able to compile a collection from command line racket code,
> without triggering compilation of the Racket's collections when
> PLTCOMPILEDROOT is modified.
>> More generally, I don't think we've figured out the right way to make
>> different compilation and debugging systems stay out of each others'
>> way.
> Ah, that's too bad.
> At the very least, I can call the compilation within a system call, but
> that's quite ugly.
> Plus "raco setup my-collec" used to have the same problematic behavior as
> described above (recompilation of Racket's collections) on some occasions,
> although I think I haven't seen it during the last 2 weeks.
> Laurent
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