[racket] ATTN: Neil T. Racket/Math digamma (psi) function implementation

From: Neil Toronto (neil.toronto at gmail.com)
Date: Tue May 7 21:59:18 EDT 2013

On 05/07/2013 02:58 PM, Ray Racine wrote:
> Well since I gone this far, I took the unusual step of implementing the
> algorithm (more?) correctly this time.
> On the Toronto scale, we are mostly accurate for most of the domain  x > 0.

I noticed. Cool!

> For x<0 the use of psi(1 - x) - psi (x) = pi * cot(pi * x), not so good.

That's because you use

   (* PI (cotan (* z NEG-PI)))

as part of the reflection formula instead of

   (* pi (flcotpix x))

IIRC, I wrote `flcotpix' to make `flpsi0' more accurate. (I already had 
a similar thing, `flsinpix', for the gamma function.)

> For x > 0, outside the subdomain around the circle x=1.48 where things
> are a bit wobbly it is pretty solid.  I don't know if this is a zero of
> the polynomial or what the heck is going on there.

It's a zero of the digamma function. Zeros are always tricky. The 
smaller an output is, the more small changes affect the lowest few bits.

This zero is why `flpsi0' uses a separate Taylor series approximation 
(centered at the zero, ~1.46163215590743) for inputs between 1.125 and 
1.9. I would do something similar for the negative zeros, but there are 
so many of them...

> ;; Improved Impl of digamma
> #lang typed/racket/base
> [...]

I guessed this would be faster and just as accurate in [10,44]. You've 
surprised me: it's faster and just as accurate in [8,44]. :D  My 
measurements have it 2x faster near 8, and 3x faster near 44. (After 44, 
`flpsi0' switches to an even faster asymptotic expansion.) Nice.

I managed to get it <= 2 ulps in [4,44], though, by changing the order 
of operations. Notice that this:

   (+ (+ z-shift (- (fllog z) (/ 0.5 z)))
      (digamma-poly (/ (* z z))))

is four additions. Just to check whether changing the order of the 
additions could help, I changed it to this:

   (flsum (list z-shift
                (fllog z)
                (/ -0.5 z)
                (digamma-poly (/ (* z z))))

This got <= 2 ulps in [4,44], but was dog slow from creating lists. The 
most important thing is to add from lowest to highest magnitude (though 
`flsum' does something a little better). So I plotted the absolute value 
of each term, and discovered that this always adds smallest to largest 
for z in [4,10], where adding more accurately makes a difference:

   (+ (digamma-poly (/ (* z z)))
      (/ -0.5 z)
      (fllog z))

Anyway, this should make a nice drop-in replacement for the two slowish 
Chebyshev approximations. Thanks!

Neil ⊥

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