[racket] ATTN: Neil T. Racket/Math digamma (psi) function implementation
Well since I gone this far, I took the unusual step of implementing the
algorithm (more?) correctly this time.
On the Toronto scale, we are mostly accurate for most of the domain x >
For x<0 the use of psi(1 - x) - psi (x) = pi * cot(pi * x), not so good.
For x > 0, outside the subdomain around the circle x=1.48 where things are
a bit wobbly it is pretty solid. I don't know if this is a zero of the
polynomial or what the heck is going on there.
;; Improved Impl of digamma
#lang typed/racket/base
J Bernardo,
Psi ( Digamma ) Function,
Algorithm AS 103,
Applied Statistics,
Volume 25, Number 3, pages 315-317, 1976.