[racket] text%, keymap%, copy/paste question
As I understand it, `add-text-keymap-funcions' makes these functions
mappable, but does not give you the default mappings.
You can either add the keybindings yourself, or you can use the framework's
procedure `keymap:get-editor' which gives you default bindings.
Here is a working example:
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Matt Jadud <jadudm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like my text% to have copy/paste abilities. Actually, I'd settle
> for a user being able to copy out of a text% object. I was under the
> impression that I could use set-keymap and add-text-keymap-functions to get
> me there, but I'm not having much luck. What is the right/better approach?
> I thought something like
> (define text (new text%))
> (define keymap (new keymap%))
> (add-text-keymap-functions keymap)
> (send text set-keymap keymap)
> would be along the right lines, but no?
> Pointers appreciated,
> Matt
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