[racket] simple scripting with Racket

From: Vlad Kozin (vladilen.kozin at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Jul 20 07:04:40 EDT 2013

Hi. I thought I'd use Racket to solve a silly little scripting problem. 

Script doesn't take arguments, instead looks for .csv files in its directory, reads them line by line, does some trivial replacement and writes the result to a new .csv file adding "-ms" suffix to its name. You can see my solution http://pastebin.com/CPb5gxEu and below. I suppose you bearded hackers would roll-out a quick awk + sh script in a minute - seems like exactly the task suited for awk. Unfortunately I find I'm allergic to sh - entirely too much of a challenge for me. Plus .csv files I'm dealing with are on the order of >200Mb. 

Writing it felt somewhat awkward or rather more so than I anticipated, hence this post. Can you see a better, more straightforward, canonical way of doing this sort of things? Feels like general-purpousness of the language shows and a dsl like scsh would allow more straightforward style.  

#! /usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket

;; doesn't tell directories and files apart, can be dangerous
(define files
   (lambda (e) (regexp-match? #rx"[^-ms]\\.csv" e))
   (directory-list (current-directory))))

;; this really should be a straightforward pipe with processing in the middle
;; this wrapping of with--file procedures feels a little like writing cps by hand
;; (stdin stdout) now point to (in out)
(define (with-in-out-files proc in out)
  (with-input-from-file in
    (lambda ()
      (with-output-to-file out proc  #:mode 'text #:exists 'replace))))

(define (replace-dot-in-file in)
  (define (dot->comma)
    (for ([l (in-lines)])
      (printf "~a\n"   (regexp-replace #rx"\\." l ","))))
  (define (out-filename file suffix)
    (define file-ext  (regexp-split #rx"\\." file))
    (string-append (first file-ext) suffix "." (second file-ext)))
  (with-in-out-files dot->comma in (out-filename in "-ms")))

;; good candidate to exploit that multi-core bazooka
;; should I be using futures / places / threads and 
;; some kind of parallel map here? 
(time (for-each replace-dot-in-file files))


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