[racket] Use `set!' or not in this [other] scenario?
I'm changing the subject slightly to make a second thread, just to avoid
confusion between the two set! questions.
I'm not sure I entirely understand why you're using set! to produce your
results rather than simply returning them from the function. I believe
you're saying it's because the function isn't tail recursive, but non-tail
recursion will be equally as (in)efficient either way.
There are certainly some cases where it's more natural to use set! to
accumulate a result than to build it up recursively, but they're the
exception rather than the rule. I suggest trying to write your solution
functionally first, and see how that goes. Resort to set! only if that
fails somehow.
Carl Eastlund
On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Antoine Noo <antoine597 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> as an extension of the question of Ben.
> (define (func args)
> (define result init-data)
> (define (loop args-loop)
> ...
> (set! result some-data)
> ....)
> (loop args)
> result)
> Is this a good practice?
> And if you ask why don't directly return loop, it is for the case to make
> recursive call every where in the function not only in terminal possition.
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