[racket] User Keybindings

From: Ray Racine (ray.racine at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 7 13:19:03 EST 2013

I have my Racket configured per the "emacs"  section in DrRacket, so
keybindings in menus is unchecked.

"If you are most familiar with Emacs-style key bindings (especially on
windows or some linux installations where the control key is, by default,
for the menu shortcuts), you should uncheck the Enable keybindings in menus

If I define and register my own keybindings.rkt file, bindings and rebinds
work but they appear to wipe out any existing keybindings.

Examples below based on the Racket Doc on keybindings.

;; OK
;;insert λ
(keybinding "c:\\" (λ (editor evt)
                     (send editor insert "λ")))

(define (rebind key command)
   (λ (ed evt)
     (send (send ed get-keymap) call-function
           command ed evt #t))))

(rebind "c:w" "backward-kill-word")

;; OK
(keybinding "c:c;c:t" (λ (editor evt) (send (send editor
get-top-level-window) create-new-tab)))

;; Now Broken
"c:c;c:c" ;; check syntax is broken.

Similarly, if I attempt to bind anything into "c:x;?:?" things break,
though the freshly added binding works.

;; works
(keybinding "c:x;c:t" (λ (editor evt) (send (send editor
get-top-level-window) create-new-tab)))

"c:x;c:f" ;; the open file dialog

"c:x;c:s" ;; save definitions (file)

Roughly, it appears in lieu of extending the keymap with a new (re)binding,
the new binding is added into a fresh keymap and the existing default
keymap is shadowed, flushed, or ignored.  They still show up on the menu
listing "Show Active Keybindings" just no workee any more.
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