[racket] Vim+mzscheme
I am using Racket as a scripting language for Vim. I believe that the
number of people who use Racket instead of VimL is not very small. I live
in a town with 600000 inhabitants, and at least 40 persons use Racket to
script Vim. Therefore, I wonder whether the new release of Racket will be
compatible with Sergey Khorev's Vim+mzscheme.
I downloaded the sources of Racket and tried to compile
Vim+mzscheme with it. I failed. It seems that Vim+mzscheme does not find
the libracket3m.a library. En lieu de, there is a xlibmzscheme3m.a.
Therefore, I made a copy of xlibmzscheme3m.a to libmzscheme3m.a. This
fooled the ./cofigure --enablemzschemeinterp into building a Makefile.
However, this Makefile did not work.
I have another question related to Vim+mzscheme. There are many buildings
of Vim+mzscheme for Windows. However, no one of them works, since the
libmzgc.dll and libmzrackel.dll are missing. Where can I find a complete,
pre-compiled version of Vim+mzscheme for Windows? I mean, I need the
missing dlls.
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