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From: ()
Date: Thu Aug 15 09:43:21 EDT 2013

I thought.  I'm a long-time Emacs user, and although I have tried Dr
Racket, Emacs is now part of my bones.  (I'm excited to learn that
there is a Racket mode...and hope it is as good as geiser).

Regarding guard, one of its best features is support for
notifications.  If you are using linux or MacOS, guard issues system
notifications.  Emacs can also receive these notifications, so as I
write code, I can see pass and failures in Emacs...pretty sweet.

Taking everyone's comments into consideration, I'm going to try to
come up with something Racket users can use outside of Dr. Racket -
because I don't think I can support it using an existing framework
like guard.   If I'm successful, I'll open-source release it.


Chad Albers

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Greg Hendershott
> <greghendershott at> wrote:
>> In my opinion the "most Rackety" way to do tests these days is what
>> Laurent mentioned: The `test` submodule.
> When the tests become too long, I prefer to put them in a separate file
> though.
>> (Although when I do this, occasionally I wish for "test-folding" to
>> hide the tests temporarily. Neat feature to add to DrRacket and/or
>> emacs Racket mode?)
> I've been wanting that for a long time too.
> If only DrRacket had line-folding, we could fold any kind of submodule,
> like documentation, test, main.
>> Given that, I'm not familiar enough with Ruby "guard" to know what's
>> left for a Racket "guard" to do -- just the detection for re-running
>> some test automatically? As Laurent mentioned DrRacket already will do
>> that automatically as you edit each file. For users of other editors,
>> or for other scenarios like fetching from git, I suppose this would
>> amount to keeping some cache of the last-modified or MD5 of all the
>> sources, and running `raco test` ones that have changed?
> Another automatic and easy way is to run the tests on file save, as a plugin
> for DrRacket.
> It should not be too difficult to extend Grant Rettke's DrSync plugin:
> Laurent

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