[racket] Windows build problems on

From: Nick Shelley (nickmshelley at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Aug 17 14:52:50 EDT 2013

I just ran into this very thing today because I didn't realize the packages
were put into a submodule and I'm in the habit of not reading error
messages. However, after trying some things and getting this error multiple
times, I finally read it carefully. The answer is in your skimmed
"something something" text. Just go to the root of the repo and do a
'git submodule init' then 'git submodule update'.

I think it would be helpful if these instructions were added to the install
readme (unless it is there and I missed it).

On Saturday, August 17, 2013, Ben Goetter wrote:

> I apologize for the semi-clueless nature of this message.  I know that
> Racket's been going through a lot of changes in the last few months.  Rip
> van Winkle here is trying to come back up to speed.
> I did a fresh git clone, then built Racket's core on Windows with VS2008
> via the script in racket/racket/src/worksp/**build.bat. Apparently this
> built only the core (thank you, Vince on irc).  I got a working racket.exe
> with some intrinsics included, but no drracket or the standard libraries
> (gracket -z complained that it could not find racket/racket/collects/racket/
> **gui/init.rkt).
> At Vince's advice, I tried
>     raco pkg install -i main-distribution
> to complete my installation, but got a SSL error
>     Resolving "main-distribution" via https://pkg.racket-lang.org
>     SSLv23_client_method: implementation not found; no arguments provided
>     ...collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt:**397:18
> So then I did something radical: I read the top-level README.txt and
> followed its directions.
>     nmake win32-in-place
> This rebuilt the core, created a spurious "-p" subdirectory, and finally
> triggered the complain-no-submodule target:
>     "Native packages are not in the expected subdirectory" something
> something "git submodule" something
> Generally, what's the new proper practice for building my own Racket on
> Windows?  Build.bat no longer suffices by itself.
> Thanks,
> Ben
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